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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Nursery Rhymes!!!

What are some things you do to teach Nursery Rhymes?  I teach a very high ELL population and every year one of the hardest things for them to master is recognizing rhyming words and producing two words that rhyme.  I love singing songs and rhymes with them and  I am always looking for new ways to help them master these skills.  I was just over at Dr. Jean and friends and she had posted the cutest Nursery Rhyme Juke Box with a four cd free printable. I can't wait to make this!

The entire collection can be purchased at Sharing Kindergarten's TPT store
What are some ways that you teach nursery rhymes to your kiddos? 

More awards!!!

Thank you to Noelle over at The Frizz in First Grade for two more awards!! I am getting more followers everyday and am happy to say that I now have 8 followers!

Guidelines for the combined awards:

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you

(and follow their blog)

2. Link back to the person who nominated you

3. Include the award image in your post

4. Give 7 random facts about yourself

5. Nominate 15 other bloggers for the award

6. When nominating, include a link to their blog

7. Let other bloggers know they've been nominated

7 Random facts about me!

1. I will finish my master's degree this year in Library Science. 

2. I'm a Gemini.

3.  If I could live in my pajamas, I would.

4. I have a younger brother.

5.  I have a million freckles.

6.  I am not outdoorsy, unless it consists of sitting on a patio with a cold beverage.

7. I can never have enough pairs of shoes or bags!!

The awards for the Versatile Blog and One Lovely Blog go to.....

Thursday, July 26, 2012


Thanks to Michelle at FashionablyinFirstGrade I have been nominated for the Liebster Award! My second day as a blogger and I already feel so welcomed and loved!

So here are the rules:
1. Follow the person who gave you the award.
2. Link back to the person that gave you the award: Click here to go to her blog and check it out!
3. Pass to 5 new bloggers and then let them know they have received the award.
Leave a comment on the 5 blogs to let them know that they have been offered this award.
The nominees are:

Newbie Bloggers Blog Hop!

Alright I am a brand new blogger! So here we go! If you are a new blogger, go link up at Grade three is the place for me!

1. what state you are in: Nevada

2. your current teaching position: Kindergarten and I love it!

3. your teaching experience: 6 years all in Kinder

4. when you started blogging: Yesterday :)

5. share a blogging tip / blogging resource: Get yourself out there and linking up is one of the best ways to get followers!

Tell me more, tell me more!!

Hi everybody! This is my second blog post and I'm pretty much just playing around with this whole thing.  Lots of googling and youtube videos are helping! Any way today I decided to Link up with Step into Second Grade

My name is Christy and I currently live and teach kindergarten in Las Vegas, NV.

 I was born and raised in Roswell, NM.  Thats right home of the Aliens!  If you haven't ever been to Roswell, here are some pictures of downtown to show you how crazy it is there!

                                                  The McDonalds is a huge space shuttle!

                                                   The light poles have alien heads on the top!
                                             This is me with my Alien boyfriend! Hahah

Ok I don't really have an alien boyfriend, I do have a human boyfriend :) His name is Greg and he is wonderful!

                                         Here we are in Maui enjoying a Luau and a Mai Tai!

I went to college at Eastern New Mexico University in Portales, NM.  While in college I joined the Chi Omega women's fraternity and met my closest friends!  Here we are at our chapters 50th anniversary back in April. 

A few of my favorite things

color: green and purple

movies:  Dirty Dancing, The Notebook, Gone with the Wind, Sideways

TV shows: Project Runway, Modern Family, Top Chef, Gray's Anatomy, and the Bachelor/Bachelorette

Shopping: shoes, scarves, jewelry and purses are what I love shopping for because those things always fit no matter what! :)

Quotes: "Nobody puts baby in a corner"
"If you're a bird, I'm a bird"
"It's all good" -Pete the Cat


The beach!

Dancing and working out

I love wine! I think it is a job requirement to have atleast a glass now and then after teaching kindergarten all day! :)

Here I am in Ruidoso, NM drinking some green chile wine! New Mexico is also known for it's green chile!



Wednesday, July 25, 2012

It's summer, why am I working??

 The answer to that is because I'm addicted to teaching!! Hi everybody! I am brand spankin new to this whole blogging thing, other than blog stalking I do on a daily basis. My name is Christy and I teach kindergarten in Las Vegas, NV. This Fall will be my 7th year to teach. I have been at the same school since that first, first day of kindergarten 6 years ago. I am a kindergarten teacheraholic!!! I have been out for summer since June 8 and lazed around for about 2 days until I couldn't take it anymore, I had to do something for my classroom!! I have been reading the Daily 5 and really want to start it this year and am curious as to how any of you fabulous teachers do it in a kindergarten class (cause we all know kinder is a whole other beast). Anyway I have been working on the listen to reading portion of D5. I bought about 30 books on tape at a garage sale a few years ago for about 5 bucks total and have been converting them from tape to cd. I have no patience for a tape player!! I have tried and tried, used pictures and stickers to get them to do it on their own, but I am always up fixing something for them. So for Christmas( I ask for things for my classroom :) I recieved this device Grace Digital Audi Tape2USB to transfer tapes to my computer which then I could burn onto a CD. So all day today I have been doing just that. It works pretty good!

I am a HUGE fan of Shari Sloane and Kim Adsit If you haven't cheked them out, you are missing out!! Anyway so I have been printing out the song books that Kim creates for Shari Sloane's music, for more listen to reading time. After they are printed I glue them onto construction paper and then laminate. I needed a laminating machine, since I am not allowed to use the one at school and I can't wait until the first day of school when everybody is trying to get their laminating done. I did just have a birthday and should have thought to ask my boyfriend for a laminating machine, but I didn't so I had to go searching for one. I found one on eBay and bought it for a pretty reasonable price. I haven't recieved it yet so I can't give ya'll any reviews, but I will keep you posted.

So thats my first blog entry, not too exciting. Hopefully I can spruce things up a little in the next one. I am working on some pinterest inspired classroom ideas!